Seeing Double – From Gymnastics To Gym Junkies: Our Unfiltered Fitness Journey [S1E3]

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Join us in this fitness-focused episode as we take you on a journey through the athletic side of our lives, from being lifelong gymnasts to conquering marathons and triathlons. We’re not holding back – get ready to hear about the ups and downs (including when Amy pushed Patty out of the way to win a race), finding balance in our lives, building a healthy relationship with food, and prioritizing our bodies in a whole new way as we get older. Tune in as we chat about potential new fitness goals, striving for accomplishments that align with who we are now, and how our journey continues to evolve.


Whether we’re reminiscing about Amy’s meathead days or Patty’s affair with avoiding protein, this episode will leave you both entertained and inspired to tackle your fitness journey after a touch of laughter from your hosts at Seeing Double.



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